Monday 26 August 2013

January 2000

Yay!!  new year, new Millennium, new start...........and it dawns bright and sunny - so I have a celebratory and exploratory wander around my territory and Will and I sit outside for a bit in our own celebration, "I'm really glad came to live with us Az", says Will gruffly, "Me too", I tell him and add that he's "not too bad for a dog".    This is a standard joke as whenever Mum asks Dad if he loves me, he says, "Az is alright for a cat" - he is joking of course, who couldn't love me (apart from my old family of course) I am, after all perfect (or is that purrfect?!)  "It's very important to love yourself , and believe in yourself too"

Most of the work is being done at the other farm, so that gives me plenty of scope to go out and about inspecting the machinery- I am quite fearless, and perform very detailed checks.  Anyway, the other day when Mum picked me up - she holds me respectfully, picking me up with her right hand under my chest and her left hand under my bum, I did my usual thing of lifting my head up so I can rub the top of my head on her chin.  I do this because a) she loves it and b) I get a free head rub (it's a win win!) although it always amuses Dad "he always sticks his head out," he says.  This time, Mum was amused by my back feet and laughed (not unkindly, but still...) at them, saying they reminded her of "fish fingers" - I don't get this, fish do not have fingers - and "You should never laugh at someone, only with them" Mum did apologise though - and I got some different food to try.  They always cook something themselves but not a lot of it is cat-friendly, hence I have wet and dry cat food, and Will has wet and dry dog food, although he clearly has a less cultured palate than me...or indeed most other animals - and he is a bit uncouth about the way he eats - essentially he hoovers it up, and it would be in his stomach before he has even registered the taste!

Mysteriously, there have been discussions going on about holidays, cattery booking and late honeymoons - I have had to look up all of these words and I am not entirely sure I like the sound of them.......I have tried to discuss this with Will, but he always goes to stay at the other farm with Jake when Mum & Dad go away...he's never heard of a cattery, but then amazingly, he has never heard of a house cat either, he only knows of farm cats who come in as far as the conservatory and have beds in there (this is at the other farm) .... I am going to have to investigate further..............

this is me on an "elevator" inspecting it and having a good old nebs - an "elevator" is not the same as in some buildings (apparently) but used for moving bales of straw..............

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