Monday 26 August 2013

December 1999

Looks like I spoke too soon in my last blog, it's been a lot colder and so wet that, to be honest, I have not really fancied going out and about.  I go outside to use the "facilities" (shall we say?!) and then I tend to come in and sleep in the house.  That said, I am on "rodent watch" in the evening and night-time sometimes, Mum keeps saying to me, "They're all living things Az, you don't have to catch them" but it is in my nature (although I do also let them go sometimes,after all I have been lucky this year, and we all need a bit of luck) and a throwback to the time when I did not know where my next meal was coming from.

In other news I have been crossed the road in front of the house to go into Dave's field, but it was scary and a busy road, and the cars were so fast, that I have decided not to bother in future - in fact Mum fetched me back.  Dave also has a field directly behind Pam's house and there are plenty of other fields to watch and "hone my agricultural education".  There are some people who walk about with dogs in some of the fields and shoot guns at the sky.....I understand they are shooting at birds, but it does not seem a fair fight I must say....and as to work in the fields, they are still ploughing and getting sugar beet up (none of this seems to be suitable "normal food" - I will have to investigate further)  Dad has had a weird smell of other animal "fur" on his coat and it turns out that at the other farm they have "timeshare cows come to stay"  Apparently this is called "joisting" where some farmers have cows that live outside in Summer, but if they don't have enough shed space in Winter, then the cows essentially have board and lodgings at another farm which has shed space ...hmmmn interesting.....and not to be confused with jousting (I mixed them up initially when I was reading up to find out more, apparently jousting with a "u" is something to do with horses and people wearing metal suits (are humans strange or what?!) Still, "Each to their own, and live and let live"  Some people might think blogging is a funny thing for a cat to be doing, Will likes to sleep with his head raised up and is terrified of thunder storms.... "We are all different, that's what makes us all so endlessly fascinating!"

I've discovered a new drink too - or rather I "mugged" Mum for some - I couldn't help it, it smelt so nice.  She made herself a mug of something called Horlicks, but with all milk instead of water and it smelt lovely and malty (this is the day after Mum had shouted at me for sticking my claws in her and clawing the furniture as well but soon forgave me) so I had a bowlful and it was yummmy! I've invented a new song for myself too (it is to the tune of Kylie Minogue - or is that Meowogue? "Santa Baby" - and it goes like this..."Aslan Baby, share a mug of horlicks with me, you see, you're the best thing in fur, Aslan honey and hurry through the cat flap tooooniggght" - I have tried to teach it to Mum but although I am good, some things are just to tricky for mere humans!

Anyway, it is Christmas time, and on Christmas day I went on another mini road trip.....Mum and Dad went to Midnight Mass on Christmas eve, and when they came home early on Christmas Day they opened a present each (and one for me) then we all went to bed, and the next morning opened our presents - I got quite a few - mostly food related yay!  Then I was loaded up in my cat carrier - not impressed but felt sure it was not a bad journey - and we all went to Mum's for Christmas lunch.  Her cats Kitfer and Murphy were upstairs asleep - so I jogged up and downstairs a few times for the novelty really (they did not see me, I did not want to distress them in their home) ate a bit of lunch and went to sleep in the hallway.  Mum's sister Rachel and her husband Andrew were there - they are expecting a baby in the May.  In the evening, we all sat in the room and played games - then Mum picked me up and sat back and I spent a happy hour snuggling up against her, stretching out my long stripey legs and back paws and rubbing my head on her chin....although I have to say, had I been playing the Trival Pursuits type quiz that they were all playing, then I am sure I would have know more of the answers.  This is the Season of Peace and Goodwill to all (humans and animals) so I hope that all my furry brothers and sisters are happy, and I wish for all cats to have a happy and warm home. 

It's very nearly the Millennium - Happy New Year to us all - it's been a year of changes for me, but it's ended up brilliantly ............"sometimes you just have to have hope............."

this is me, on one of "my" beds..............

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