Sunday 18 August 2013

The rest of July 1999

** Aslan's disclaimer ** for some reason, this post and the next few do not show correctly
and there is an issue with the "word wrap" hence some words are split between lines.
I have tried what I can to amend this, please bear with me, normal service is resumed after
the next few blog entries xx
During the night, I investigate the garage, it's only for one car, but sometimes no car is in here, there is a cabinet and a freezer at the end where there is an internal door to the house is, some boxes and a shelving unit down one side and a raised area where my bed is located. There is also a window and Mum has put a carpet tile on the windowsill so it's more comfy when I am watching the world. The first full day I was at my new home, I was allowed all over the house and the garden – the dog was not there, he was at Dad's parents as Dad was working there for some of the day. It turns out that there are two farms, one where I now live which is smaller, andone about 14 miles away where Dad's parents live, so sometimes they are working here, but more oftenthey are working at the other farm, and the dog divides his time between them with no problem – that is because dogs are not as intelligent, and indiscriminately bestow their fuss and affection on anyone (well, that's what I think anyway)
The next day, Mum had to go back to work, she works in a bank but between 3 local branches, covering as and when needed - so I was on my own, and the door was shut so I was only in the garage – it was quite boring, and I was anxious to be out and about exploring. If only I could explain to Mum that I won't run off (if she proves herself to be a suitable cat parent, and treats me right, that is), and I am quite good at navigating – but she says that I have to stay in for a bit to “acclimatise” myself – I don't get this, it has nothing to do with climate and weather. When Mum comes back, I make her feel bad by hiding behind the freezer where is is warm – althoughobviously she and my new home have not passed my thorough examination yet, so I need to be sure about her - I hide out there even though it is not cold in the garage and there is a sun- patch on the windowsill to catch some rays...and after all, my multiple duvet bed is in there.... My cunning plan works, because she immediately takes me into the house, gives me different foods to what I had for breakfast, and what was left for me during the day. We go into the loungeand then have some cuddle time and I stretch out in the sun. This room faces a different way, so I like to check out the views (more open space & farms) from the window so I can get my bearings, and more importantly, work out the optimum times and places for sun worshipping.
The next day, exactly as per my cunning plan (or should that be “as purr”??!) I was left with the door open into the porch and kitchen so I had more to explore. I can't get into the main house yet when they are not there, but this is not a bad step up for one day “If you are unhappy with your surroundings, then do what you can to improve them” I also meet “the dog”, he is a Jack Russell and called “Will”, he is about 5 years old, white with mostly tan markings. Will is used to cats and doesn't chase or make a big deal, in fact he initially mistakes me for the ginger cat who lives at the other farm (he is clearly not very bright, you'd think he would be able to tell the difference) I push my paw into his face just to establish who is boss, we exchange a few words, and come to a satisfactory arrangement about the hierarchy here... I am sure we will get along just fine nowhe is aware of that. Will has his own chair in the kitchen, I might (no, I will definitely) use/borrow it from time to time..... I have to stay in for 2 weeks (two whole weeks!) and it is so, so boring, but each day I am left with access to more rooms, I have a selection of food and water on offer all the time. I use the time wisely by having a good old nose around and inspecting everything, in between the all-important rest times.“It is very important to ensure you get enough rest” after all.

William (Will) the dog, and me, mid-investigation, in the kitchen.........

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