Monday, 26 August 2013

January 2000

Yay!!  new year, new Millennium, new start...........and it dawns bright and sunny - so I have a celebratory and exploratory wander around my territory and Will and I sit outside for a bit in our own celebration, "I'm really glad came to live with us Az", says Will gruffly, "Me too", I tell him and add that he's "not too bad for a dog".    This is a standard joke as whenever Mum asks Dad if he loves me, he says, "Az is alright for a cat" - he is joking of course, who couldn't love me (apart from my old family of course) I am, after all perfect (or is that purrfect?!)  "It's very important to love yourself , and believe in yourself too"

Most of the work is being done at the other farm, so that gives me plenty of scope to go out and about inspecting the machinery- I am quite fearless, and perform very detailed checks.  Anyway, the other day when Mum picked me up - she holds me respectfully, picking me up with her right hand under my chest and her left hand under my bum, I did my usual thing of lifting my head up so I can rub the top of my head on her chin.  I do this because a) she loves it and b) I get a free head rub (it's a win win!) although it always amuses Dad "he always sticks his head out," he says.  This time, Mum was amused by my back feet and laughed (not unkindly, but still...) at them, saying they reminded her of "fish fingers" - I don't get this, fish do not have fingers - and "You should never laugh at someone, only with them" Mum did apologise though - and I got some different food to try.  They always cook something themselves but not a lot of it is cat-friendly, hence I have wet and dry cat food, and Will has wet and dry dog food, although he clearly has a less cultured palate than me...or indeed most other animals - and he is a bit uncouth about the way he eats - essentially he hoovers it up, and it would be in his stomach before he has even registered the taste!

Mysteriously, there have been discussions going on about holidays, cattery booking and late honeymoons - I have had to look up all of these words and I am not entirely sure I like the sound of them.......I have tried to discuss this with Will, but he always goes to stay at the other farm with Jake when Mum & Dad go away...he's never heard of a cattery, but then amazingly, he has never heard of a house cat either, he only knows of farm cats who come in as far as the conservatory and have beds in there (this is at the other farm) .... I am going to have to investigate further..............

this is me on an "elevator" inspecting it and having a good old nebs - an "elevator" is not the same as in some buildings (apparently) but used for moving bales of straw..............

December 1999

Looks like I spoke too soon in my last blog, it's been a lot colder and so wet that, to be honest, I have not really fancied going out and about.  I go outside to use the "facilities" (shall we say?!) and then I tend to come in and sleep in the house.  That said, I am on "rodent watch" in the evening and night-time sometimes, Mum keeps saying to me, "They're all living things Az, you don't have to catch them" but it is in my nature (although I do also let them go sometimes,after all I have been lucky this year, and we all need a bit of luck) and a throwback to the time when I did not know where my next meal was coming from.

In other news I have been crossed the road in front of the house to go into Dave's field, but it was scary and a busy road, and the cars were so fast, that I have decided not to bother in future - in fact Mum fetched me back.  Dave also has a field directly behind Pam's house and there are plenty of other fields to watch and "hone my agricultural education".  There are some people who walk about with dogs in some of the fields and shoot guns at the sky.....I understand they are shooting at birds, but it does not seem a fair fight I must say....and as to work in the fields, they are still ploughing and getting sugar beet up (none of this seems to be suitable "normal food" - I will have to investigate further)  Dad has had a weird smell of other animal "fur" on his coat and it turns out that at the other farm they have "timeshare cows come to stay"  Apparently this is called "joisting" where some farmers have cows that live outside in Summer, but if they don't have enough shed space in Winter, then the cows essentially have board and lodgings at another farm which has shed space ...hmmmn interesting.....and not to be confused with jousting (I mixed them up initially when I was reading up to find out more, apparently jousting with a "u" is something to do with horses and people wearing metal suits (are humans strange or what?!) Still, "Each to their own, and live and let live"  Some people might think blogging is a funny thing for a cat to be doing, Will likes to sleep with his head raised up and is terrified of thunder storms.... "We are all different, that's what makes us all so endlessly fascinating!"

I've discovered a new drink too - or rather I "mugged" Mum for some - I couldn't help it, it smelt so nice.  She made herself a mug of something called Horlicks, but with all milk instead of water and it smelt lovely and malty (this is the day after Mum had shouted at me for sticking my claws in her and clawing the furniture as well but soon forgave me) so I had a bowlful and it was yummmy! I've invented a new song for myself too (it is to the tune of Kylie Minogue - or is that Meowogue? "Santa Baby" - and it goes like this..."Aslan Baby, share a mug of horlicks with me, you see, you're the best thing in fur, Aslan honey and hurry through the cat flap tooooniggght" - I have tried to teach it to Mum but although I am good, some things are just to tricky for mere humans!

Anyway, it is Christmas time, and on Christmas day I went on another mini road trip.....Mum and Dad went to Midnight Mass on Christmas eve, and when they came home early on Christmas Day they opened a present each (and one for me) then we all went to bed, and the next morning opened our presents - I got quite a few - mostly food related yay!  Then I was loaded up in my cat carrier - not impressed but felt sure it was not a bad journey - and we all went to Mum's for Christmas lunch.  Her cats Kitfer and Murphy were upstairs asleep - so I jogged up and downstairs a few times for the novelty really (they did not see me, I did not want to distress them in their home) ate a bit of lunch and went to sleep in the hallway.  Mum's sister Rachel and her husband Andrew were there - they are expecting a baby in the May.  In the evening, we all sat in the room and played games - then Mum picked me up and sat back and I spent a happy hour snuggling up against her, stretching out my long stripey legs and back paws and rubbing my head on her chin....although I have to say, had I been playing the Trival Pursuits type quiz that they were all playing, then I am sure I would have know more of the answers.  This is the Season of Peace and Goodwill to all (humans and animals) so I hope that all my furry brothers and sisters are happy, and I wish for all cats to have a happy and warm home. 

It's very nearly the Millennium - Happy New Year to us all - it's been a year of changes for me, but it's ended up brilliantly ............"sometimes you just have to have hope............."

this is me, on one of "my" beds..............

November 1999

I've been taking the opportunity to listen to Will a bit and we sit and talk during some of the day - inside if its cold and rainy (and Will is not required on the farm) or outside if it is warm enough - It's not been too cold yet.  Will is a typical man who does not show his emotions very clearly (I am a boy too, but very in touch with my feminine side - as most felines are) "There is nothing wrong with showing your emotions and talking about your feelings"  I think it helps Will to talk about his brother Gus and his life, and in return he listens to me....I hope my furry Mum and all my furry brothers and sisters are happy and well loved, and I would wish that no cat was ever abandonned like I was.  "All living creatures deserve love and affection, a safe place to rest, food, and freedom from fear"  I am quite enjoying Will's company too (sssshhh!)  Mum has had a few days off work too which is nice, but she was in and out a bit anyway, so I didn't see her for "full days" just like normal.  To be honest, this arrangement suits me fine, I can come in and out, have food, water, most of the house, a comfy warm bed on tap, and human hugs and knees to sit on, humans to drape myself on as I please - result!

So the reason Will has been about more often is because that Dad's Dad (Alan) had an accident a few weeks ago and has broken his arm.  Unfortunately, humans are not ambidextrously-pawed like most cats, so it really has had an impact on him.  He's not in as much pain now, but has had one of those funny white casts on it for weeks, and of course, this has meant that he can't do as much on the farm as he would normally.  Luckily, and this is something I do really admire about some humans, "everyone has really pulled together to help out"  Dad's brother Mick has had a few weeks off work, Dad's uncle and Cousin, John and Ben, have all helped out (Ben is a really good photographer, so I have been practising the art of "striking a pose" - I do love modelling when I am in the mood!)  Also, the neighbours here (Dave and Karen - Dave is Pam's brother and they live further down towards the village, but farm in the fields opposite us) the neighbours at Deeping (Bryan, Janet and James) have all offered help and assistance.  Mum and Mum's parents have all been doing their bit too in the taxi-ing about between farms (if you go over to the other farm in a car, then come back in a farm vehicle, that means you don't really have any fast means of transport to get back - and seriously, farm vehicles are soooo slow, I mean I could walk faster!)

When they have been over here, I have been watching Dad ploughing, it means a tractor pulling a "plough" this is a big bit of kit with lots of silvery "fin shaped things" (it puts me in mind of a lot of silver coloured fish!) as it moves up and down a field.  This is so that the remnants of the other crop can be ploughed in so they will decompose and not grow, and that the top layer of soil is turned over so there are fresh nutrients there - ** I would like to add that I learnt that all by myself, rather than relying on dog-standard-information**  

In other news. Mum's friend Adrienne popped round to see me (I have not met her before) and it was love at first sight for her (about me I mean, obviously!)  she said I have "Whopper Paws" and will be a big cat...but I am fully grown and I am careful what I eat - I don't want to put too much weight on - I have far too much jumping around and exploring to do!

this is Will and myself posing with Mum's car - as you can see it is not as posh as the other vehicle in the last blog entry!

Saturday, 24 August 2013

October 1999

** Aslan's disclaimer ** for some reason, this post and the last few do not show correctly
and there is an issue with the "word wrap" hence some words are split between lines.
I have tried what I can to amend this, please bear with me, normal service is resumed after
the this blog entry xx

this is me, posing with a car belonging to relatives of our neighbours -
sadly it does not actually  belong to anyone I personally know myself......
a shame as it suits a cat of my standing don't you think?

Okay, so I have settled in quite well here, I have quite a good routine going, but it is sometimes "invaded" by the farm. This is evidently the "potato time of the year" as in the potato harvest there are some very strange bits of kit about. There is a huge conveyor belt type thing set up in the big shed which is really noisy. The potatoes (boring to me but apparently a multi-functional vegetable) arrive in a tractor and trailer, are moved along the conveyor belt, sorted and either put in a big heap, or bagged up into 25kg bags. This process takes ages and there are people coming and going in and out of the shed all day long ...even Mum helps a bit when she is back from work (but after she's fed me!) I take the opportunity to continue my "rodent watch" and nose round the farm and the sheds - Oh and I'm also honing my knowledge too. When it's cold, or when I am tired, I have a snooze in the straw or more likely, I mosey my way back to the house to have a sleep in peace and quiet!

I have discovered that some relatives of Pam's visit quite often, and they parktheir car on our driveway as it is safer, being off the road.  As you can see,     I like this car very much and it suits me too!  It is much more "me" than the   functional cars Mum and Dad drive, or any of the farm vehicles - Will quite      likes the tractors but I have not yet found one that is really "me"

I have been talking to Will a bit more of late, he might be rubbish and not at all knowledgeable when it comes to farming, but he has told me a sad story   about his brother.  Andy (Dad) used to live in an old farm house here with Will (William) and his brother Gus (Guscott).....yes, Dad is into his rugby and they were named after some rugby players called Will Carling and Jeremy Guscott. 
There was also an adopted stray kitten (also ginger) called Ginger - he lived  with them for about 18 months...when Ginger was a kitten, Dad found that     Ginger's Mum had sadly been killed on the road, so he went looking for the    kitten and took him in, giving him a home.  Shortly before the old farm house had to be replaced with a new bungalow, Ginger went missing (Dad tried hard to find him) and then a few months later, poor Gus was killed on the road too. That meant Will was alone - I felt quite sorry for him and resolved to be more understanding towards him after all......

"we none of us know what other people have to deal with”  
as someone once said, 
if everyone's problems were put in a heap for all to choose from, you would soon grab your own ones back”..
I have discovered that Dad is a great cook and really enjoys cooking – 
he eats meat and  pretty much everything...disappointingly, Mum appears 
to be one of those vegetarians.....but they both cook meat, there is a butcher in the village, and I do often get a sample if it is meat  


September 1999

** Aslan's disclaimer ** for some reason, this post and the next few do not show correctly
and there is an issue with the "word wrap" hence some words are split between lines.
I have tried what I can to amend this, please bear with me, normal service is resumed after
the next few blog entries xx
I've been to see a new vet – his name is Wayne – and he called me “Spud” He said I was 12-18 months old (very accurate for a mere human!) I am a neutered male cat and in good health. I decide I like Wayne, and bestow on him a lot of purrs and a good nosy round his surgery. He then gives me an injection (am not sure I like that) and a tablet. Mum and Wayne discuss my background “he was a stray......” and my new home, Mum is not keen on me wearing a collar (I am definitely not either) as it could get caught up whilst I am out and about – which would be very dangerous....So I am to be micro-chipped instead. I like this vets, and Wayne – especially when he says I am “a fine example of a healthy cat” and, he reassures Mum that the pigment spots on my paws, nose and mouth are not a problem – although I could have told her that if she was able to understand me! A lot of cats think their vets are scary and do not like them, but I have always thought you should, “judge people as you find them”. And from the same “thought family," “treat people as you would want to be treated yourself”
** HOT NEWS ** Dad has fitted a cat flap in the garage door for me (yay... this is even sooner than I thought he would do it according to my “secret agenda” is important to “work towards what you want, and know what direction you want to go in”) – he's done a good job, and the internal door is open so I have access to some / most/ all of the other rooms too. It's been quite sunny so I have been in and out of the house and down on the farm. They seem to be working here quite a bit which is nice for the company and to learn more about my chosen craft (I have decided to become the new farm supervisor) but some of the machinery is just so noisy it means I can't hear myself think Will seems quite content to ride up and down fields in a tractor, “woof” to get out, run up and down until he barks to be let back in the tractor. I've asked him what some of the bits of kit do on the farm.. but he doesn't really know –and I suspect he makes a lot of it up himself too.I have resolved that it would be better to learn this for myself!
My Grandma comes round and visits me a lot, she is a lovely person too. Mum's parents are divorced and I see them both. Dad's parents are still together and they both work on the farm so they are often both here when the work is being done on this farm, sometimes their dog Jake comes too, I was wary of him as he is a big, black labrador (huge paws and head) but he is very chilled out and calm around cats – he is not much use on the subject of farm machinery either though – dogs eh?!!
okay so not the best photo due to the shadow of the house, but hey, you know sometimes, I am  just not in the right mood to "strike a pose" at someone else's whim..............this is me strolling elegantly back towards the you can see, I make good use of the cat walk (in both     senses) and am a real "tail-up strolling boy"

August 1999

** Aslan's disclaimer ** for some reason, this post and the next few do not show correctly
and there is an issue with the "word wrap" hence some words are split between lines.
I have tried what I can to amend this, please bear with me, normal service is resumed after
the next few blog entries xx

Yay!  Imprisonment ended!  However, as I am so desperate to get out and     explore, it is fair to say that this does not go according to Mum's plan.  Mum    carries me outdoors – neither the back nor the front garden are enclosed, and there are lots of open fields and farm land/yards about.  I take the opportun- ity to a) demonstrate my athleticism and b) enjoy FREEDOM so I leap out of  her arms and “leg it” across the lawn, up a massive tree and on to a 10 foot   high wall between my house and the next house (as you can tell, I had this   PLANNED!)  I had noticed that there was a high wall as there are a lot of brick build sheds attached to it on our side of the wall (I had noticed this from the study window) and that there were big trees for easy access.  I demonstrate my prowess by stalking across the wall several times then nonchalantly sitting and having a wash.  I studiously ignore the cries and pleas of “Aslan”, come   here babes, please” and the next thing I know, Mum and Dad are in the next door garden with the neighbours, who I now know are called Pam and Gordon  (they have a dog called Meg too)   Gordon says, “Hello cat, don't look at me  with that supercilious expression” (I am not quite sure what this means, I willhave to look it up ... “never be afraid to fill in the gaps in your knowledge – it is never too late” ) but although they are not “cat people” I can tell, they  think I am a “very fine cat indeed” (that's from a quote!)    I jump off the wall on my side whilst they are still in the other garden (humans do have a bit of a design fault when it comes to jumping and climbing unlike us cats) and by     the time they have come the long way round, I am GONE down the driveway  and into the farm yard for a proper old “nebs” at EVERYTHING.  Lots of bits of machinery (I will take care as it could be dangerous, but it looks great fun to  climb and investigate), lots of space, warm sheds, hay, grass, crops, rodents! (I am a champion hunter, I think) hideouts – I think this is not a bad place to live – I may well have landed on all 4 paws. 

 I am so into nosing about and   having my freedom back that I forget to go   back for my tea, or supper, and I  don't realise just how worried Mum is.  The next day I am sauntering up to thehouse when she spots me and calls, I come running and have some food,  she picks me up for a chutch and is about to go back into the house –NOOOHHH!  I squirm and scratch, Mum drops me and I  land badly – she feels guilty, but I am not hurt, and in fact within 20 seconds I am on the wall again.  This time Mum gets a ladder out, picks me up and I  scratch her (she still has this scar   years later) and I am off.  It is only later  in the day when I see her walking down the road asking other further neigh-   bours if they have seen me, that I feel a (very tiny) bit remorseful.  I go back and have a love up with Mum, and I think we both have the measure of each  other now – food, drink, a warm bed, a safe home and lots of love will always be available here, and the farm is mine to explore as I please as long as I am careful.....yay, best of both  worlds then ( I am one lucky cat !)  However,     there are loads of places to explore and I am working on a plan …...I've tried  to enlist Will, but he didn't seem very interested, or maybe he didn't under-   stand (being only a dog)  I'm not sure he would be the best side-kick to have anyway...........I may be the brains of the operation, but I want someone who could follow a simple instruction and not be distracted by a dog biscuit or a    human calling!

Me, nonchalently strolling back into the kitchen (Mum says to say the photo is in bad light and the floor is not really that dirty!)

Sunday, 18 August 2013

The rest of July 1999

** Aslan's disclaimer ** for some reason, this post and the next few do not show correctly
and there is an issue with the "word wrap" hence some words are split between lines.
I have tried what I can to amend this, please bear with me, normal service is resumed after
the next few blog entries xx
During the night, I investigate the garage, it's only for one car, but sometimes no car is in here, there is a cabinet and a freezer at the end where there is an internal door to the house is, some boxes and a shelving unit down one side and a raised area where my bed is located. There is also a window and Mum has put a carpet tile on the windowsill so it's more comfy when I am watching the world. The first full day I was at my new home, I was allowed all over the house and the garden – the dog was not there, he was at Dad's parents as Dad was working there for some of the day. It turns out that there are two farms, one where I now live which is smaller, andone about 14 miles away where Dad's parents live, so sometimes they are working here, but more oftenthey are working at the other farm, and the dog divides his time between them with no problem – that is because dogs are not as intelligent, and indiscriminately bestow their fuss and affection on anyone (well, that's what I think anyway)
The next day, Mum had to go back to work, she works in a bank but between 3 local branches, covering as and when needed - so I was on my own, and the door was shut so I was only in the garage – it was quite boring, and I was anxious to be out and about exploring. If only I could explain to Mum that I won't run off (if she proves herself to be a suitable cat parent, and treats me right, that is), and I am quite good at navigating – but she says that I have to stay in for a bit to “acclimatise” myself – I don't get this, it has nothing to do with climate and weather. When Mum comes back, I make her feel bad by hiding behind the freezer where is is warm – althoughobviously she and my new home have not passed my thorough examination yet, so I need to be sure about her - I hide out there even though it is not cold in the garage and there is a sun- patch on the windowsill to catch some rays...and after all, my multiple duvet bed is in there.... My cunning plan works, because she immediately takes me into the house, gives me different foods to what I had for breakfast, and what was left for me during the day. We go into the loungeand then have some cuddle time and I stretch out in the sun. This room faces a different way, so I like to check out the views (more open space & farms) from the window so I can get my bearings, and more importantly, work out the optimum times and places for sun worshipping.
The next day, exactly as per my cunning plan (or should that be “as purr”??!) I was left with the door open into the porch and kitchen so I had more to explore. I can't get into the main house yet when they are not there, but this is not a bad step up for one day “If you are unhappy with your surroundings, then do what you can to improve them” I also meet “the dog”, he is a Jack Russell and called “Will”, he is about 5 years old, white with mostly tan markings. Will is used to cats and doesn't chase or make a big deal, in fact he initially mistakes me for the ginger cat who lives at the other farm (he is clearly not very bright, you'd think he would be able to tell the difference) I push my paw into his face just to establish who is boss, we exchange a few words, and come to a satisfactory arrangement about the hierarchy here... I am sure we will get along just fine nowhe is aware of that. Will has his own chair in the kitchen, I might (no, I will definitely) use/borrow it from time to time..... I have to stay in for 2 weeks (two whole weeks!) and it is so, so boring, but each day I am left with access to more rooms, I have a selection of food and water on offer all the time. I use the time wisely by having a good old nose around and inspecting everything, in between the all-important rest times.“It is very important to ensure you get enough rest” after all.

William (Will) the dog, and me, mid-investigation, in the kitchen.........

Sunday, 11 August 2013

New Name......New Home ......New Beginnings

As explained, after a while I get back in the cat carrier and travel 3.5 miles to my new residence.  Mum explains all about it on the journey: my new home is a farm, but I am not to be an outdoor farm cat who does not come in (good job too, I have had enough of being a fully outdoors cat) rather, I will be a cat who happens to live on a farm but can come in and out when he wants (this sounds much more to my liking!)  There is also a dog who lives here, and for the first few weeks I will have to stay inside to get accustomed to my new house.  Am really not sure about this, I am not stupid I can find my way back, and I need the outdoors ....but it's only for a short while and I will see what I can do to shorten this.  I am taken in the back door and into a large L shaped kitchen and have a further "snackette". 

No-one else is home, and Mum takes me on a tour. Weirdly, there are no stairs, so all the rooms are on one level, I assess the bedrooms (look good for me!) bathroom, study,  kitchen and then on to the lounge (small, but brilliantly placed for evening sunbathing!)  There is a garage accessed from the back porch and there are some cat beds in there.  Mum explains that my cat-flap will be fitted to the garage door, and we go into the lounge to sunbathe and have a “chutch” (I am unfamiliar with this word, but as it is important to “learn something new every day” I find out it is apparently a Lincolnshire word for "fussing up and stroking your cat".)  I deign to purr because I feel that I could be happy here - I will have to make them make some adjustments but not bad at all as a starting point.  I then meet Dad (Andy)  he is clearly less of a cat person than Mum but still okay, I shall have to get him trained accordingly.

Mum has called me my “new name” many times and I have been trying it out.....apparently it is spelt A-S-L-A-N and pronounced Azz-lann not Azz-larn. I quite like it, but it sounds a bit made up to me (though better than my original name which I will not divulge)  Mum says there is a famous series of books called “The Chronicles of Narnia” of which the most well known is, “The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe”.  In it, there is a land called Narnia where a lion called Aslan is Lord of all...  I think this name will suit me just fine, it is suitably unusual and more importantly, regal.  And so, on this day full of adventures, I go to bed.  I am sleeping in the garage in a plastic cat bed with several cat duvets, and food and drink available.  I feel quite safe, comfortable and protected here, so after a perfunctory nose round, I fall fast asleep....after all as the famous movie line has it, “Tomorrow is another day”
These are Aslan lions - my namesakes!

Saturday, 10 August 2013

July 1999

I've been living as a stray for a few months now, and although I have established my territory and do a daily tour, I long for a proper, forever home again and a loving human.  At my favourite house, several streets away, they always leave food out for me, and I let them stroke me when I am in their garden, but they say sorrowfully that I can't go and live there because their cat and dog would not like it.  They tell me they are looking for a home for me, and if they can't find one then they will approach a local cat shelter.  I like them because they always check on me, they're clearly animal lovers and they leave me food and shelter, "random acts of kindness can make a big difference".  So in many ways, I have the best of both worlds, which is nice while it is Summer, not sure if I fancy this when it turns cold and frosty.  They sometimes have the childrens' Grandma visit and she is clearly a cat lover, she always makes a big fuss of me, and says she wishes she could take me home herself.  This lady, Ruth, has a dog called Peter who comes over with her sometimes, he says to me, "Don't worry, we're on the case about finding you a forever family".  It turns out that Ruth lives in a village in Lincolnshire about 40 miles away, and a conversation has been taking place, which I am completely unaware of.  Ruth works with a couple whose daughter has just got married.  The daughter is used to having cats and wants one to share her new home, so she has made some enquiries and they would love to have me 

July 17th - seemed like just another day, but was totally life changing for me - "You never know what a day might bring, so look forward with hope"   I was enticed into the garden, had a nice afternoon feeling part of the family, and then before I quite knew what was happening, I was in a cat carrier in the back of Ruth's car.  Part of me was annoyed at having been taken in and falling into a trap, but I felt confident that Ruth and her family were animal lovers so I decided to sit back and enjoy the road-trip.  I watched the scenery for a while then fell in and out of sleep.  I did, of course, assert my presence with well timed "Wowls" every so often, and Ruth talked to me about where we were going and my new home anyway.  I thought to myself that if it didn't work out and I didn't like where I was going then I could always escape and look for a forever home.  After all, I had been doing that in Northampton, and could find a new patch at our destination quite easily I thought.

Eventually we arrived at a house and I was carried in reverentially in my cat carrier.  Ruth explained that she lives on this road, but this house is where my new Mum (Rebecca)'s Mum lives.   In the kitchen I get out the cat carrier and assess my surroundings.  Okay, nice house, cat food and water on offer, loving people about who treat me with total respect (as is my due, I am after all, a cat!)  Ruth leaves, and Rebecca and her Mum make a fuss of me.  I discern that two cats live here permanently, Kitfer and Murphy, but they are outside so I take advantage of this to help myself to some food, sit on Kitfer's cushion and have a wash, then wander over to my new Mum.  She is sitting on the floor and seems experienced around cats, so I bestow on her the great honour of falling asleep on her knee.  Mum's Mum (Grandma in this story) is amazed at how calm I seem to be.  "Take everything in your stride" is one of my mottoes.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Continued some more.......just background though!

So back to my story -  I will gloss over the first year because, it was a long time ago and I was very young so I can't recall all of it - and some I have tried to forget.  I was born in 1998 in Northampton.  Mummy said that my furry Daddy was "a posh cat from a big house" and looking it up on the internet and tv much later, I wonder if he could have been from Althorp House?  Perhaps this is why Mum always made a point about "self improvement and bettering oneself".  When I was old enough to leave my furry Mummy and brother and sisters, I went to live with a family in a house on a nice road, but I wasn't there for many months when they moved away and left me behind all alone.

I was so upset and lonely, but I knew I only had me to rely on so I had to get out there and fend for myself.  It was better that it was Spring and early Summer, it wasn't so cold and I could find quite a few places in the undergrowth, trees to hide and sometimes sleep in.  There were plenty of birds and rodents to catch (I know, I know, some of you might find this distasteful but it is a cat's nature and I would have starved if I had not eaten them).  My old house had new residents who did not want me around, but their garden backed on to some more gardens in another road, and then there were further avenues after that, so I had quite a big stamping ground.  Some of the residents got to know me and left me food out which was much appreciated, "Never underestimate the kindness of strangers".  and one or two left their shed or porch doors open so I could shelter if it was raining.  Although I was wary of people after being abandonned, I was honing my ability to judge humans and categorize them into lists such as, "I would like to live with them" and "Don't go within 500 metres of them" and all points in-between.  One of my favourite houses to visit had two adult humans, two small children, a dog and a cat............and it is here that my story really and truly begins


I have a pale ginger tummy, and darker stripes on the rest of my body, including a dark ginger stripe like a necklace and a very stripy tail.  I live on a farm with two humans, who will be known as Mum and Dad in this story, another cat Riley (much more of her later), and various people coming in and out.  Obviously, this is technically "my house" because, after all, I am the senior cat so I own everything, but I let them think otherwise.  I eat little and often, and vary my current favourites to keep my humans on their toes.   I love my family and enjoy having a "love up or a cuddle" with them, and my hobbies include sleeping, finding different places to practice sleeping, checking my territory at least once a day, supervising Riley and anyone / anything on the farm, and polishing up my stalking and catching techniques.  I might not have an actual pedigree or a certificate, but I am certainly no "common or garden chav-moggy".  I am quite "posh" and I like to live accordingly.  My real furry Mummy told all her kittens, "Self improvement is the key and can unlock many doors"  She didn't just mean actual doors either, I have learnt.

 I used to live in Northampton, but was discarded and abandonned, then I came to live in Lincolnshire in 1999 becoming adopted and loved.  Along the way I have "trained" humans, sometimes this has taken a lot longer than I would have liked,  studied their behaviour, learned a craft (farming and supervising), and enjoyed being an adventurer and intrepid explorer.  I like to keep fit and healthy, and I am gorgeous - Mum tells me this every day - and while I know this for myself, indeed you might even know it about yourself - it is best not to make too big a deal out of it, after all, "Vanity and self obession can appear conceited and off-putting to other people"   So, don't go on about it to others as it could make them feel bad about themselves, and come to dislike you.  Just know it for yourself - I do, I know I am perfect but I don't make a point of mentioning it, or looking in mirrors all the think I used to find mirrors scary and disconcerting when I was a little kitten!

Obviously as this is a blog web-page it shows up as the date it has been uploaded, but since my story starts waaaay back in 1999, I am going to date the posts as I put them on......

Also, I want to share some "life lessons" I have discovered along the way, not in a preaching kind of way, but more as a "good stuff I know and want to share" kind of way.....after all this is my blog (or my Mum's) so I can feature what I want!!

Firstly, a bit about me, I am a male ginger cat and 15 human years old.  Obviously, that makes me a lot older in cat years but (and here's my first life lesson)  "You're as old as you feel, and you should not always act your age"   I have, after all, observed a lot of humans and I notice that sometimes people who are younger than my Mum behave as if they were older, and some who are a lot older seem quite a lot younger in comparison.  Age is after all, just a number or a label, and all animals  would all do well to remember that.  I am a ginger tabby, so the pale bits of my fur are more sand coloured than marmalade.  I have a white chin and green eyes flecked with brown.  I also have some unusual small brown pigment spots around my eye sockets, the pink bits on my nose and mouth and on the pink pads of my paws.  Some cats have this, and some don't, like moles and birthmarks in humans I guess, but I love mine and I believe that they make me more distinguished looking "Celebrate your differences, and the diversity we show"  After all, we're not all the same, so why should we try and comform to a generic type?

Monday, 5 August 2013

All About Me......

 Aslan's Story - "Little Cat Diaries"

So, I might be a cat, but I am a very intelligent one, and I have learned a lot from close observation of my own humans, other people and animals, the weather, the countryside and my surroundings..... I have decided to share what I have learned and how these life lessons came to be included in my life story.  There's a lot of "scene setting and background" but it is then a season by season look at each year and what I know: