Thursday 8 May 2014

January & February 2002

Apparently, some animals hibernate during the Winter months, which means the go to sleep from say, November to February - I think there is something to be said for this as an idea -  I would very much like it, but I am not sure I would like to miss out on catching up with everything!

Being inquisitive by nature, some may say "nosy", but that would be unkind - I have taken to exploring next door's garden.  They have a lovely garden, and this time of year, their dog - Meg - is not about there so much.  The other day I was looking behind the shed/summerhouse in their garden, but then when I wandered round to the front, I saw the door was open - I've never been in there before (and since all property is technically feline owned anyway) I went in.....shed are so fascinating, all that stuff, and all those smells - the wood from the building etc - not to mention the spiders!  They're so interesting to watch - also to chase - but the way they make their webs and the speed they move at in relation to their size, "Find beauty and interest every where you look in life"   But disaster struck, and the door blew shut in the wind leaving me trapped in there......I didn't panic (if I was a human, I would have made a nice cup of tea and sat down to think about it!)  As there was no-one else in the garden, there would have been little point in wowling and meowing at the window, so I just curled up and went to sleep.  But, because I was sleeping in the window I was spotted by Gordon and he let me out - I did "tell" him that I hadn't messed anything up in the shed, and he said, "Aslan, what are you doing in here, cat?"  Of course, I was lucky - I could have been in there for days or weeks .....IT IS ALWAYS IMPORTANT TO CHECK NO ANIMAL IS IN A SHED OR GARAGE BEFORE YOU LOCK UP ....ALSO, IF YOU CAN PROVIDE A BIT OF SHELTER TO A POOR/NEEDY.HOMELESS ANIMAL THEN THAT IS A GOOD THING, AND VERY GOOD KARMA! 

Back in my house, I spoke to Will - he has been at the other farm mostly as that is where the work is being done - but I have "assisted" Dad when he has been working on the computer (he does not seem to like my paws on the keyboard though, for some reason) He has cunningly managed to coincide the coldest time of year with doing some costing for bidding for more land, and also updating the farm and spray records - can't blame him though - and it does mean that I often get a spot of tuna for lunch - genius!  I've been out occasionally though, no snow (yay!) but some frost, but this makes it easier for me to check over the fields, I don't like it when it is wet and muddy....but frost is just cold, so I come in and jump on someone's knee to warm my paws up, or else go to my boilerside bed.....or someone elses's bed.......I have it sussed I think!!!  As the saying goes - "one could view a grapefruit as a lemon that saw a chance and took advantage of it"

Happy Valentine's Day - 14 February

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