Sunday 9 March 2014

November & December 2001

Unsurprisingly, the news is still full of the terrorist attacks, and I am trying t keep up to date with what is being said.  Will and I watch the news most evenings but I think he sleeps through much of it.

On the farm, the Winter Wheat has been drilled, and they have had the Grain Assurance Inspection which means that they are harvesting and storing correctly.  The good news for me is that one of my favourite farming activities is taking place - ploughing.  I am still fascinated by how the silver plough fins turn the soil over, and that a load of birds turn up from no-where.  They are often seaguls with their distinctive cries - this amazes me as we are nowhere near the sea!  But I love watching all birds (I know I could catch one if I wanted to but I would rather watch the way the swoop in and out, and down to the soil)  It is colder here and a bit frosty so I have started to keep an eye out for other places to go to on the farm if I get caught out and am unable to get back to the house in time (if it is showery or too windy) - the cold weather means I am seeing less of my cat friends and aquaintances - but I am happy with my own company (and Will's, and the humans!) "Peace is the rarest form of happiness", as they say 

Mum has had a few days off work again, but has been in and out doing different things - but she still had time for me - of course!  The floor in the kitchen is still wet, so that means that the flooring cannot be relaid, so it is not ideal - however, it does mean that I get to keep my bed in the back porch near the boiler!  I am also an expert in finding the hot pipes under the carpet elsewhere in the house and laying on them fully stretched out - well, when there is not the sun, you have got to do something haven't you?!    Mum has also helped for a bit with the bagging of potatoes here on this farm - I was there for a but, but it gets a bit boring to be honest, so I made my excuses and left (!) Dad's Mum has been made redundant (this means that her job has finished) from her other job at Freemans - this is a catalogue place (apparently, catalogue has nothing to do with cats!)  and Mum's Mum phoned up one evening in a panic because the roof of her shed was being blown off (it has been very windy) so Mum and Dad had to go over and sort it out.

At Christmas, Mum and Dad's friends Ian, Clare and Stuart came over, then there have been other friends in and out over the break - and also Christmas day lunch was here - Dad cooked it - he did really well and Will and I got some too.  Mum's Mum, and Dad's parents and Aunt were here - and so was George - sadly Rachel and Andrew (George's parents) could not be here as they were in hospital with their niece - this is away from home and they wanted George to have a "normal day" but they came over later.  I've sent (as we all have) my best wishes, hopes and prayers to their niece - and I would like to wish everyone "Peace on Earth" - I have read a famous piece which says, "May Peace, and Peace, and Peace be everywhere"  Happy New Year everyone xx

okay, so it is not a Christmas picture, but this is a Sunrise on a Winter morning on the farm (I am just out of shot on the fence on the right)

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