Happy New Year All!
Well, seeing as it is Winter, I have been staying in near the radiators and catching up on my reading, "The Green Book" and "Farmers Guide" (other farming publications are available!) are very helpful to improve my agricultural knowledge, withour having to venture too far outdoors. Fortunately, when I do go out, it has only been cold and frosty (there were 4 days of snow) and not really too wet.... initially anyway, later in the month, they were digging "trenches" to let the water off the land. I have been in the shed with Dad when he has been doing repairs to the plough - Will and I shared the armchair - well I had the top of the seat back, and he had the seat - it really was not very exciting to watch! Dad's parents have been away so we have had Jake the Labrador to stay...I did not like him initially, he is too big and there is just "too much of him" - but it is said that, "you should never judge a book by its cover" and Jake is actually quite a nice dog - he is only a bit younger than Will, but he has more stories from the other farm as he is mostly over there, "Everyone has an interesting story to tell, if only we take time to listen" Jake is used to cats as there are 3 living with him....the only problem with him is that he snores worse that Will (and I would not have believed that was even possible!)
Mum has had some bad news - she has been working in a role which means she can be in any one of three offices, but the nearest is only 6 miles away, and she alternates them, covering in each one as and when required. Unfortunately, that job has finished now and she was a bit unsure what was happening, as the finish date kept being put back. However, she is now in Peterborough for three months to help set up a new portfolio team....she is not keen on the travelling though - it is only about 24 miles - but takes well over an hour, and then there is a 10 minute walk in from the car park. It is a longer journey (but quicker) on the back roads, but these are really dangerous in bad weather, and in Winter - and I want her to be safe! The first week she was there it snowed (the snow was gone in 2 and a half days) but it took her an hour to travel three quarters of a mile.....looking at the news - I don't know why humans don't stay home when it is weather like this, and I do worry for the homeless and hungry cats out there - I do what I can to leave access to some of the sheds and old sacking around for bedding
However, the weather improved a bit and strangely enough, I have noticed a number of different birds on the farm - I am not very good at recognising species and names (just tastes!) but I have been researching in a "countryside and farm bird book" to see if I can improve my knowlege. And obviously, I have been continuing my cuddling up with Mum in an evening - all this renewed wandering about and research quite tires me out!
At the end of February, it was Mum's birthday, and Dad bought her a really unusual present - a friend of his, "Viv" is a French teacher (for adults, not children) French is another language that they speak in a country called Franch just over the English Channel - I had to explain this to Will!! And Viv (or rather a series of lessons with her, is the present!) Apparently, Mum wants to improve her French as she spoke it wellpreviously and wants to get fluent in it.....I would have liked her to learn Cat but to be honest, I do think this is beyond all humans - all the nuances and tones are too advanced I think! But they do try, which is sweet! Their friends, Ian, Clare and Stuart were here around her birthday, so I did my "head of the house / host" thing...I think it went well!
Anyway, the weather forecast is for warmer weather - and sooner rather than later - so lets hope so!
not a great shot, nor the most flattering of angles, but this is me on a comfy knee!
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