Thursday 8 May 2014

March and April 2002

It started off less cold, but windy ....and as we all know, wind can send a cat mad .......In fact, I think that I live in the windiest place on Earth (well at least in this village) so I am surprised that the humans are not mad too!  I have been doing the traditional mad-cat-wind thing of chasing about - leaping on random people and things in the house and garden (in fact, I had a "coming together" with an ornament, but the least said about that the better - as there were witnesses, I could not even act innocent and blame Will) and also, I have been "disconcerting the humans" by randomly and intently staring at doorways or our of windows with my ears down - it never fails!  Most amusing!  "Don't count the days, make the days count" - well it keeps my days entertaining!

Later in the month, we had snow, so I reverted to only going out to use the toilet and check on the farm - there is a real beauty in the way everything is so white and peaceful, but it is better viewed from inside.  Out on the farm, they have been repairing discs (noisy, cold, and boring to watch - so I didn't for very long!) and grading potatoes - an old armchair has made it into the shed so there is something for me to perch on (or sleep) whilst I am watching - although, to be fair, I think I am well versed in this task already, there does not seem to be too much to it!)  

I have had a chat to some rodents, and tried to talk to an owl - but he declined to talk to me very rude!  I've also seen a grey cat around a bit, it was too cold to exchange more than a few words (and experimental hisses!) but he lives a few doors away - and is none too fond of Winter either!  Mum and Dad have been on a last minute break for a week so I have had another trip to Barbara at the Cattery - I love it there - it is a home from home for us discerning cats, and I get a) some catnip spray b) chats to other cats c) listen to the radio to hone my knowledge...I can't work out how to turn the one on at home when no one else is there!) and d) cuddles with Barbara - what's not to love!

However, roll on Spring I say! "The grand essentials of happiness are, something to do, something to love and something to hope for"

I know it is sideways, but it is still true in this house!!!

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