Thursday 8 May 2014

November and December 2002

Ooh, you'll never guess what ....yes, potatoes are the thing again (!) Yes, they are (potentially, and this is by no means certain) the crop which earns the most, but they are by far and away the most problematic and stress inducing of all crops too

So on the farm it is ploughing (I don't go out in the tractor, but if I am about, I have a good old sniff and inspection once they're parked back in the shed) and also grading potatoes - to be honest, I find this very boring, but I am entranced by the birds following the plough and the artistic way that the soil is turned into darker lines of equal distance.  The soil here is quite dark - not quite as dark as at the other farm, Will says - and Mum says that if she was painting the scene, she would use purple and lilac tones in with the brown for the soil.  

So, back to the potatoes - we have a new strategy for selling them, and Dad and his Dad are going to take over a sales pitch in a layby off the main road in Crowland (the town between the two farms) to see how that goes. They ar also going to try in another layby in Tallington, but this has not been tried before.  There has been a pitch in Crowland for some years but the person there is retiring..... I know they're looking forward to chatting to the customers - I hope it goes okay.  We have been busy printing up leaflets for them to distribute.  Will and I are not very good at this, I love to lie on paper and if there are a few piles on the floor, then I just can't help myself!

As it is Winter, I have been spending a lot more time in the house - well obviously it is all my house - but I've been checking out the farm records too.  I don't really like it when it is sugar beet tine, or even wet (as it is now) - Dad has been out sweeping the road with a huge brush on the tractor as this makes it safer for other drivers.  It has been so wet that the tractors have been struggling...... definitely time for some indoor work I think!  I am surprised that the humans do not appear to have worked this out yet!

For Christmas, Mum and Dad went to Rachel and Andrew's, and then saw their friends Ian and Clare (who love opposite Rachel) in the evening.  Boxing Day was spent at Stowgate but I got the morning and evening with them, I have taken to sleeping on the bed with them - which I enjoy....they say I take up too much space on the bed, but in reality, it is them that do that!  I got some good presents too, edible and non edible.  Will got some edible presents and a blanket too

Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year everyone.  And here's my quotes: "Be generous with your love, and you will feel it returned one hundred fold" and also, "The greatest wealth is contentment with a little".  As it is the year end, here is a bonus one, "All men* who have achieved great things have been dreamers" (*I think cats is a good word here too!)

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