Thursday 8 May 2014

May and June 2002

Wow - so much to report, some good, some very, very, very bad.............

I got home from the cattery and Will seemed to be a bit under the weather, saying he was tired and achey - and even though we were working in the big shed, he seemed to be wanting to sleep in the armchair.  I just thought (as we all did) that it was just a passing thing...Dad said to Will that he would have to take him to the vet if he did not feel better in a few days....and then something really terrible happened

On a Sunday, Will was so ill that we phoned our vet - they were not open, but they share an emergency weekend cover with a vets in the next town - so it was the other vet's turn to cover.  Mum & Dad took Will into the vets and the vet said, "He really is a poorly dog, we could put him to sleep now?" but it was decided to leave Will at the vets, and the nice vet would try to do all he could, starting the drugs immediately to try and help Will.  Mum and Dad were understandably upset, I did my best to try and help them, but we were all so worried about Will.

The next day, the vet called and said they had operated on Will and he had a tumour the size of a grapefruit on his spleen (whatever that is!) and it was odd that it could not be felt or seen from the outside.  Anyway, they removed it, Will stayed at the vets to recover and have more drugs, and I did my best to look after Mum - I am normally in the house on my own if Will is at the other farm, and everyone else is at work, but I felt really, truly alone that day and Will was in my thoughts and cat - prayers.

Two days later, the vets called and said, "Can you come and pick Will up please? He is trying to bite the veterinary nurses"  Obviously, this is not good news, and certainly not good behaviour, but we a sign that he was feeling better!  "He is certainly a feistly old dog", said the vets when Dad went to collect him.  Will has spent the rest of the month recovering - he won't be told though, he still tries to jump up at tractor steps, and down them - even though everyone is lifting him in and out - he is not supposed to be on the farm, but howled and howled to be out and about.  He says it makes him feel better and he knows how his body is doing.  I am so very relieved to have him back and getting fully recovered, "One true friendship is worth a richness beyond words, and impossible to overstate"  

I think I may have taken Will for granted, but I won't in future, and am just so grateful he is okay"  I've read a quote which says, "There is a quietness, a contentment at the heart of all that is - beneath the noise and bustle, the excitements and the terrors" and it is so true.

In other news - the cattle at the other farm have gone home, we've been grading potatoes (again!)  Mum and Dad have had some friends over to a meal at the Jolly Farmer (pub down the road) and taken one of their friends to see his first ever football game at Lincoln City (Mum's dad supports them!)  When they were all back for coffee here, I made a point of being a good host!!  Well - naturally!!!

William Woof Dog - to give him his full title (that I made up for him!).....he doesn't mind really, he said!

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