Sunday 17 November 2013

June 2000

The weather has not been too bad, so I have been out and about with and without my trusty side-kick Will.  I've heard it said (by Dad's parents) that we are, "like Batman and Robin" - really not keen on this comparison, as I am clearly the brains of the operation (and this should be obvious to everyone!) However, it is nice to feel the sun on your fur, the wind in your whiskers and fresh air without it being cold and wet.  

So I have been taking advantage of sunbathing time (obviously, I am a cat!)  This is a time of general maintenance on the farm making sure that all the equipment is working etc, along with grading a few potatoes (still),  and spraying wheat and beet.  I've been in the shed quite a bit with Dad to see what he is getting up to with the mending and repairs too, but to be honest, each time I found that a bit dull (sssh!) so I made my excuses and left.

Mum has had some time off from work, but they have not been away, so I have not been to the cattery, or had people in to feed, chutch and check on me.  Mum and Dad have already had their holiday in February so it's been nice to spend more time with them (there might be a thing called "rolling" on the farm, but I can do a much better version of it on the bed, in the garden etc! There are a lot more birds in the garden too, I like to take a keen interest in new bird species - I can hone my hunting skills too, but I am not keen on the taste, and it is just nice to see them flying about and hear them singing in the trees."It is important to find pleasure in the simple things in life"  There has been an event called "The Lincolnshire Show" (now I am a Lincolnshire resident) Mum and Dad went - it is fairly agricultural, but they did come back with a wooden sculpture-type thing for the lounge - I am discreetly eyeing this up as a scratching post, although this might be best for when there are no observers present, then I can blame Will.

Mum and Dad have been out doing a few walks on a weekend too, apparently they are in training for something called "The Yorkshire Three Peaks".  I have been listening in, and this is where you have a challenge of walking 24 miles up 3 peaks (says Dad) mountains (says Mum) and it has to be done in less than 12 hours.  They are going with friends, and training to ensure that they can manage it "it is important to be prepared for every eventuality" (although, I must say, I am not entirely sure where they are finding any mountains/peaks/hills/slight inclines to train on around here!!)

this is me catching some rays on Mum's car - "it is important to be creative and use your initiative" - the ground was wet, and the sun was at this side of the house, not the side with Pam's garden shed roof, when this was taken

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