Sunday 24 November 2013

December 2000

I think it is fair to say that I much prefer Spring and Summer as seasons, Autumn is not too bad as there are always leaves to chase, but Winter is too cold, and often too wet......however, I was always brought up to believe that "happiness is making the most of what you have" so I have been counting my blessings and also, using the time well.

I've been learning (reading up when I am not out and about), exploring (especially the Christmas decorations and the tree - mostly when nobody is around) and finding out new things (inside and out)  Will and I have spent quite a bit of time chatting too - he is quite interesting once he gets going, he has lived here a long time and seen a few changes - he lived in the original house so he can remember that being taken down, and this one being built.

Out on the farm, they are ploughing and also lifting sugar beet - this causes a few issues as it often means that there is a lot of mud on the road which car drivers do not like - so all the farmers have giant brushes which they use to sweep the road with machines afterwards.  I don't really get sugar beet (it puts me in mind of a parsnip or turnip) but I understand that it is all taken to a factory then turned into sugar - Dad has sugar in his coffee (Mum does not)  Sugar can come from two crops - sugar cane (not grown in the Uk) and sugar beet (as grown here) and there are different sorts of sugar too

Mum and Dad have been out and about with their friends and with Rotaract (this is apparently a junior version of the Rotary Clubs which are international) Mum and Dad met through the local club and Dad has been the President of the club - the club is for those aged between 18-30 (not to be confused with Club 18-30 holidays, whatever they might be!) but they are now just members and not on the committees or anything.  Apart from that, when we're all here, we have nights in front of the fire - I often lay alongside Will, or find a comfy lap to sit on.  

For Christmas this year, no roadtrips for me - Mum and Dad had Christmas with Dad's parents, then on Boxing Day, Mum went to her Mum, and Dad took Micky and Rachel to the airport as they are going on holiday to see some friends in South Africa - this is not the same part of Africa where Mum and Dad  went but they will still see some lions (bigger versions of me!)  I got a few Christmas presents (a new fleece blanket and some food, and I also got a Cat Christmas Stocking from Ruth - the lady who got me my home here.  Last year, I was a bit wary of the tree and all the decorations, but this year, I have been exploring (I find it is best to do this when no one else is in the room though, in case I "accidentally" knock a few baubles off - ha ha!)

I've also been trying different foods "it is important to try new things all the time" - it is fair to say that other than Horlicks and normal cheese, I am more in favour of my Dad's style of food (meat, strong cheese etc) but I have now discovered strong blue cheeses like Stilton - okay so I had to stare him out initially to get him to let me have some, but now whenever he has it, he cuts me some to have (and then some more!) Andrew (Rachel, Mum's sister's husband) is a butcher - he has his own shop, so Dad gets some meat from there, and some from the shop in our villlage and he also sells cheeses which is where this yummy stuff comes from. Some people do not believe that a cat can like Stilton but Dad just says" Az cat would arrange his own transport to get Stilton" and it is true - it really is delicious!

Anyway Happy Christmas to us all and all the best for a Very Happy New Year

this is me and Will lazing in front of the fire whilst the Christmas decorations are put up ...the model in front of the vase is one that Mum had made for Dad a few years ago which is of him, Will, Gus and Ginger the cat........shortly after this photo was taken, Will and I swapped places!

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