Saturday 23 November 2013

July 2000

Can you believe that I have been here for a whole year?  So much has happened, and I have learnt so much (and tried to train my humans too..............!)

I've invented yet another new game, well, I think it is brilliant, but I have to accept that if my timing is slightly "off" then it may not be entirely comfortable for the humans.....but, they could always learn to move a bit quicker?!!  Essentially, I have discovered that Mum & Dad's bed has a light switch on a cord that hangs down so this is just the thing for a bit of sport/exercise for me, and a change from the usual game of "feet".  What happens is, I sit on my back feet and catch the light pull with my front paws, I am really good at it, but sometimes I get so excited that I jump around and I may have once or twice accidentally ended up with a back foot in someone (Dad's) ear - which he did not find amusing for some reason!

I've had a few days away again with Barbara at the cattery because Mum and Dad have been to Yorkshire (that is another county in England) to do the 3 peaks challenge with a group of friends - 12 hours to walk 24 miles with 3 "mountains" Ingleside, Whernside and Pen-y-ghent they are called (weird names) and it was hard work but they managed it - "don't give up, you can always achieve more than you think" I have always been told.  But, they did enjoy it, and I liked being at the cattery too - Barbara is lovely and kind, and I had a long chat to a homesick young grey cat "Smokey" who was staying there for the the first time - I think I helped him, and I reassured him that he would be going home and it was not a permanent stay. "If you can't help someone, then at least do not hurt them" - I THINK ALLHUMANS AND ANIMALS SHOULD LIVE BY THIS MANTRA.  Smokey likes Barbara too, there were also a lot more cats there than last time, I think that July and August are the most popular times for humans to go away on holiday.

I'd not been back from the cattery very long when Dad went to have a day watching the cricket (some sort of strange sport where people in white run about between two sets of sticks!) at a place called Trent Bridge.  It was a really hot summers day, so Mum spent some of it reading in the garden in a rope hammock.  It looked really comfy so I joined her - for some unknown reason, she did not seem to think me being draped round her neck was a great honour for her, so she kept shifting and jiffling about which was not very relaxing for me, I can tell you!  Eventually we came to an agreement though "Compromise can often be the key", but as I am the cat, I ended up with three quarters of the hammock and a towel in it to make it more comfy for me - this is only my "due" after all.  Dad's parents have been away again for a few days - everyone needs to be back for the end of July as that is normally when the main cereal crop harvest starts.  This time they bought a present for Mum and Dad - two cartoon pictures of a dog and a cat who look a bit similar to Will and myself .  This is now on display in the kitchen.  They didn't buy me a present for having to put up with sharing my home with Jack the huge black lab, but then again, he really is no trouble (not that I would say that out loud, obviously!) And at last, the weather is sunny and hot most days ......and about time too!

these are the pictures that are now on the wall in the kitchen - Mum has picked me up several times to show me it (I am obviously slimmer and better looking in real life!) but I really like them!

This is a "legs" photo from one of the training walks for the Three Peaks.....Mum was trying to re-create a huge photo she has seen in one of the walking shops (whatever they might be)  the person on the far left is Mum, Dad is on the far right, and the other three are their friends

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