Sunday 24 November 2013

November 2000

It is still raining..............

Mum has had a few days off work, but as usual she had been out and about, although we have had some more "quality time" together, having a snuggle.  She had also been helping on the farm (as have I!) it is potato time again, and everyone is here at this farm, mucking in with the grading  etc - Dad has had to borrow some of Dave's machinery this time too.  Fortunately, most of the grading and sorting now takes place in the new shed, which although cold, is not outdoors in the wet!  Security lights have been fitted at both farms too.  Dad has also fitted some "security lights" to the front and back door at ours - I am not sure they are set up right though as initially one of them could be triggered by a cat's whisker and the other one I could just about scale the wall before they went off.  They are now sorted though and are working properly

Mum and Dad's friends Clare and Ian have been round, I always make a bee-line for Clare because she does not make eye contact with me. It is only later that Mum tells me this is because she is not keen on cats (!) Clare is so far the only person to comment that my dark stripe of fur round my neck looks like a necklace, no-one else has noticed!  

Due to the weather, I have spend most of my time in the house, but I am reading a lot of books on different subjects "It is important to never stop learning"  On the odd day when it has been nice, I have ventured further (I do go out several times a day anyway as "fresh air is important to keep your mind fresh and your brain cells working" but mostly this month, its has not been the sort of weather I like - and I feel desperately sad and sorry for any stray cats out there - I hope that cats in this neigbourhood can at least find a warm-ish barn with straw or old blankets/bags to curl up in and keep warm.  I know Mum and Dad donate to a few charities and one of them is a cat charity, and one is an animal charity too.    I am hoping that December brings less rain..................

not a great photo (and Mum says to say that the net curtains' days are numbered - not sure why, I find them interesting to get my claws in...........!) but this is me, looking out at the rain (again!)

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