Sunday 24 November 2013

September 2000

Oooh its all go here.....firstly, Mum is worried about her job as she as heard that the bit she does (moving between different offices and covering different peoples' jobs) will no longer exist next year, so that is quite stressful - I am doing my best to provide stress relief and massage/accupuncture (I am really good at this!) in an evening.  At the moment her job is staying the same, and she has been having lunch for a few days with her friend Kate (also a cat lover!) who is also a bit stressed and is now moving back to this area (hooray for cat lovers!) from somewhere down South.

Dad's Mum has been over to Grantham a few times (this is a town about 30 miles away where Dad and his family are originally from) as she had some family things to sort out, this means that they have occasionally been a bit short staffed on the farm - I offered my services, but I don't think they took me seriously, unfortunately. "It is always good to help out when you can" after all!  They have been combining linseed mostly and doing some ploughing, discing and also repairing a few things in the shed (very loud noises!) Dad's Dad has also attended a "World Ploughing Match" - yes, it is amazing to me that such things exist, but apparently it is a competition (like the Olympics) but for ploughing (?!) Anyway, it took place at Lincoln which is not far from here, and he had a good day our.  Mum and Dad have had a day out walking in Derbyshire, but they fed me before they went, left me some food, and then Pam came in later to feed me my tea - Pam and I had quite a nice chat, I like her (even though she is not a cat person!) I let her give me a fuss, and then when she left, I went out to the garden too for another investigative stroll "It is important to know your place as head of the household and to take your responsibilities seriously"

In other news, there have been protests from hauliers and farmers about tax on fuel (apparently all these vehicles are run on something called diesel or petrol, this is very expensive to buy and a good % of this is tax) It has been on the news that there have been blockades and queues at petrol and diesel stations.  I've never thought about this much before - well, obviously, being a cat I don't have to! - and I've also not given much thought to the fact that although we are on a farm, we do have immediate neighbours, and it is quite a busy road that we live on.  Apparently, a lot of farms are quite isolated.  I will make sure I stay away from the road, and the farm machines - although I like to watch them from a distance (I don't however hang around when it becomes apparent that any repairs that are being done are not going well.........when the atmosphere gets a bit tense, I make a move elsewhere!) 
Baby George has been Christened (I had to have this explained to me, but then I looked it up in a book too) it means that he is welcomed into the family of the church.  Mum and Dad (who are also his aunt and uncle) are his legal guardians, and Mum is also his god-parent.  This seems quite a sensible idea that humans put in place.  

I've been exploring some more, it might be getting to Autumn, but it is still quite warm, and I get to indulge my "inner kitten" by chasing leaves around the garden too - and it is all exercise "looking after yourself and keeping in shape and healthy" are very important!

this is me on some old wooden poles - out and about exploring - these are all going to be used for the farm "projects" soon...................

1 comment:

  1. Thats a nice photo of you Aslan, on the tree trunks !
