Saturday 12 October 2013

March 2000

...........Meanwhile, back at the ranch (or whatever it is they say) Whilst I have been away on my holidays, work has continued apace in dismantling the final bits of the shed and putting the finishing touches on the new one.

It has taken me ages to re-familiarise myself with all my "estate" - well actually, that is not true, I am a cat so I own all of it ...everything! ....but I have been all about the farm, the house, the fields and the garden - it is still really cold though, I may have to look into ordering myself one of those heated pods like at the cattery.  "Investigate everything thoroughly" this is very useful advice and something my furry mum taught me.  I've been talking to the rodents - yes I know, I should hate them, but we're all just trying to live (I also believe in "live and let live" but I don't tell too many people that!) and they have had a hard winter - they were concerned about their habitat coming down (the old shed) but they've found a new abode in a farm shed belonging to another farmer.  I've also tried to talk to the pheasants, but to be honest I don't seem to be making much headway with them (they appear a bit dim?!) Dad has been drilling a new crop which will be used for "wild bird cover" - this is a nice idea I think, and I have tried to tell the birds this, but I think they are scared of me.  Will is back too (there is no link there with "dim" honestly!) he quite enjoyed his stay on the other farm but is pleased to be back home.  He does not feel the need to patrol his territory in the same way as me - perhaps he just is not that bothered?  

In other news, Dad applied to take on some extra land, but did not get it and then much worse - he got his finger caught in a trailer and had to go to hospital (this is like a vets but for humans) and it is now bandaged up.  One of Dad's friends has also pulled out of farming (it is, i am coming to understand, a difficult business to make a living in) but it is very sad as they have been farming for years.  

I wandered into the main bedroom when Mum and Dad were making their bed up and Dad put on a fake voice for me and said, "Making up my bed? make sure it is not too hard and it's suitable for a cat of my standing (!)" which is what I would have said out loud if only they could hear/understand me.....They went to an 80's themed fancy dress party later that night - wearing some pretty bizzarre clothing, and Mum had her hair all crunchy with this mousse (not to be confused with moose!) stuff - however, they have forbidden me from adding any photos of them. So in the meantime, my picture this month is ............

this is me inspecting one of the fields...............I sometimes think that I need a pay rise for being the farm manager ............

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