Sunday 20 October 2013

April 2000

So, apparently there is a "thing" called April showers...........I've not noticed this before, but blimey, it is certainly true this year........I am getting a bit fed up with getting wet when it rains, or having wet and muddy feet from being outside even when it is not raining.

Because of this, I've not been out and about as much, but I can report that the new sheds are in course of being completed - one of them has a massive door (so the huge big machinery can fit in) and this door is operated by a chain device and a human (or two!) pulling on it.  I have to say, I am none too keen on the noise it makes, and it seemingly takes ages to open or close.  The space seems huge inside though, although some of the work has been held up by the weather.

Out on the farm they are still planting potatoes, these go in as seed potatoes (small potatoes with small "chits" on them - this means they have started to grow) then once planted, they grow and then are harvested around October and November.  There are lots and lots of different types or varieties of potatoes but Dad grows some called Maris Piper and Cara over here.  In other news the linseed has all been drilled (ie planted in the ground) when this flowers, it will have lovely blue flowers, and will be harvested in September.  I was going to walk the land, but to be honest, I did not fancy getting mud up to my "armpits" so I have learned some of this from books indoors!  One of the cows at the other farm has had twin calves, but this month is when they all go back home from their "Winter holiday"

I have been catching up on my sleep in the daytime too - as I always say, "It is important to ensure you get enough rest!" and I have been pondering on how far I have come in less than a year too, "Focus on the good things in life, no matter if they are small or large, and then they will multiply" (this can also be summed up as "count your blessings" and in between reading, I have been talking to Will - he is also fed up with the weather.  Will did not tell me this, but he is scared of thunder and lightning - I discovered this during a storm - he was literally trembling and shaking with fear.  My first instinct was to think he was joking, but he wasn't - so I persuaded him to come and lie under the bed in the spare room, and I stayed with him to be sure he was okay.  Poor old dog, he was terrified.  Fortunately, the storm passed quite quickly and eventually, I convinced him to come back out from hiding.

I am hoping for better weather soon................

okay, so this may not be the most flattering of poses, but I am having a stretch after reading up on farming...........and lots of other subjects too.........there is always such a lot to learn!

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