It seems to me that November has mostly been about moving tractors about (!) I am sure it has been more complicated than that, but it is how it seems to me(!) The wheat is now all drilled, and the land ploughed - they have had to get Gordon (retired farmer from Deeping) to help because Dad's dad Alan has got some serious eye problems - he has got a detached retina (whatever that is) and needs an operation. It has been a struggle, but "with some help from friends and family - it is important to help where you can" the farm is just about where it "should be" at this time of the year. I have done my bit to help too - I go and sit on peoples knees and purr, letting them stroke my fur makes them happier and calmer - this is a proven fact with animals, honestly! Some animals are "employed" to go into hospitals and nursing homes to help the patients
In other news, finally after a few months of negotiations, Mum and Dad are buying the house off their landlords, and I know they have a lot of plans for extending it which sounds exciting. Dad has also been to Wales for the day to sort out becoming a trainer for some computer based farm training programme thingy he uses. Potato grading has started but this year, it is all at the other farm so I am not required for assistance or for training anyone else, which is nice as it has been very wet and cold. I have been in the spray and chemical shed when that was cleared out, but it is nowhere near as interesting as the big shed.
Anyway, we all had a lovely Christmas and best wishes to all for 2004 x
not the most flattering of photos but I was just waking up and getting up!
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