Tuesday 13 January 2015

January and February 2004

So my subject this time is, "It's nice to be nice" and also that people appreciate  you more "if you have a sunnier disposition".  It's dark and it's cold, and things always seem a bit flat at the start of the year - yes, even for us cats who don't have to worry about money and credit cards, and bills etc! But a bit of kindness can make the world go round, so I always make a point of going to greet people in the farm yard (having sussed them out from afar to make sure they're not cat nappers, or anything like that) and in the evening, I enjoy going to sit on peoples knees - following from the last post,  I have now discovered the multi-purpose benefits of this.........stress free humans, somewhere comfy to sit, and a free massage for me plus somewhere to wipe my paws - bonus!

It has not been too cold and wet here fortunately, and the plough and power harrow are now over here so I have been sitting and watching this - fascinating, and it also bring a lot of birds with it, but they are the noisy old seaguls (not even very tasty!) and they also hunt in packs which is a but disconcerting!  More excitingly, a new truck has been bought to replace the old, worn out one which needed repairs costing more than the value of the truck - this one is fantastic - it has really deep wheel arches which means that when it is Summer, I will be able to drape myself over the tyres and fall asleep!  Of course, I will be careful to ensure that it is not started without me knowing and in the meantime, I have been for a inspection....ie I wandered and climbed all over it having a sniff and a general nosy about.  

In other words, the farm has taken over selling potatoes in a layby between the two farms, as the previous farmer has retired - hopefully this will go well.  I hope it goes better than Dad's recent return to rugby for the veterans - one game and he is visiting the osteo!  Anyway, the nights are starting to draw out ....yay!  

this is me demonstrating the art of getting a massage and clean feet whilst the humans think you are keeping them company!

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