Sunday 9 March 2014

July and August 2001

So, I have decided to do two or three months together in one post, or maybe as a "season" - there is much for me to wander about (aka supervise) as well as honing my knowledge....also, being a cat, it is important that I fit in as much sleeping as possible during the day - that's often when we cats have our greatest ideas!....I wonder if the same is true of humans?

Speaking of sleep, I again managed to make my Mum jump during the night - it has been so hot here, and with them living in a bungalow, and their bedroom only having windows where the two large side panes open (not smaller portions of windows at the top) they've been leaving the side windows open ...........sufficient for me to jump in and on to the bed!  Made them wake up though (an element of surprise is always good!) .....well, in my defence, how was I supposed to know that humans have a design fault with not being able to cat nap / sleep with one ear open like us superior beings?!

With it being so hot on the farm, they have been irrigating at the other farm.  Will tells me that this is where water is pumped out of dykes and on to the fields/crops (it is all legal!) They cannot do that on this farm as there are no water sources - and as a consequence, some of the crops are starting to look a bit thirsty and not as healthy as they could. 

 That aside, this is my favourite time of the year - I like to be up and about and on the go - I am out several times in the night (if the window to the bedroom is not open, then I come in and out of the cat flap) but I like to be out and about for dawn breaking......"Each Morning that you wake up is the first day of your new life" and "Every day is a fresh start and a new beginning, that is why it is important not to start the day with the broken pieces of yesterday"

I've also been busy inspecting (and digging!) the garden, and checking out the sleeping opportunities/locations next door.  Dad's folks have gone on holiday to Devon, and the work on the farm started off with cleaning out bins and sheds in preparation for the wheat - but there have been two sort of farm related disasters 1) when the combine harvester started, there was a problem and the auger broke (that is the long pipe thing that sticks out the side and transfers the combined crop to the tractors running alongside it) and 2) Dad has lost his mobile phone in a field and can't find it!   I don't really understand this obsession with humans and their phones - it is all very strange.

As for me, I have been "in charge of" making sure the farm here is under control, the rodent population is not too huge, and that there are no strange or new occurances - eg missing machinery or rust patches on the sheds.  A new cat has moved into a nearby estate and we have exchanged a few words - I think she is finding it a bit strange living in the country but I have assured her that she will soon get used to it, and won't be able to imagine living back somewhere where it is all built up. .....I know that I couldn't.  It is different here though, because it is so flat, and there are so many fields, it is like the sky goes on forever and you can see for miles in any direction - I quite like that though - it certainly helps me keep my tabs on my territory!

Me investigating - I can't always persuade Will to come with me, so just as well I am happy in my own company eh?!

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