Sunday, 24 August 2014

November and December 2003

It seems to me that November has mostly been about moving tractors about (!) I am sure it has been more complicated than that, but it is how it seems to me(!)  The wheat is now all drilled, and the land ploughed - they have had to get Gordon (retired farmer from Deeping) to help because Dad's dad Alan has got some serious eye problems - he has got a detached retina (whatever that is) and needs an operation.  It has been a struggle, but "with some help from friends and family - it is important to help where you can" the farm is just about where it "should be" at this time of the year.  I have done my bit to help too - I go and sit on peoples knees and purr, letting them stroke my fur makes them happier and calmer - this is a proven fact with animals, honestly!  Some animals are "employed" to go into hospitals and nursing homes to help the patients 

In other news, finally after a few months of negotiations, Mum and Dad are buying the house off their landlords, and I know they have a lot of plans for extending it which sounds exciting.  Dad has also been to Wales for the day to sort out becoming a trainer for some computer based farm training programme thingy he uses.  Potato grading has started but this year, it is all at the other farm so I am not required for assistance or for training anyone else, which is nice as it has been very wet and cold.  I have been in the spray and chemical shed when that was cleared out, but it is nowhere near as interesting as the big shed.  

Anyway, we all had a lovely Christmas and best wishes to all for 2004 x

 not the most flattering of photos but I was just waking up and getting up!

September and October 2003

Lots to report, firstly, we have a new niece - Dad's brother (Mick) and his wife (Rachel) have had a little girl called Abigail.  Abby was not very well at first, and had to stay in hospital, she may need an operation when she is bigger, but she is now at home....I've not seen her yet (I might hide anyway!)   

In other news, we have combining peas, George (our nephew) has been over to look at the combine harvester (he loves all the big machinery and has toy versions of them all!).  If you can make someone's day with something the love or would enjoy, why not?  It has also been very noisy here as they have been levelling the concrete outside the big shed...I went to investigate, but it was cold and loud, so I left them to it!  Mum's car broke down and she had to drive it carefully to Cranfields (where the buildings and land are between the two farms) and it had to be taken on a lorry to the garage.  She is not best pleased because this car has been "unlucky" and had a lot of expensive issues with it.  In other bad happenings, Dad trapped his finger in a trailer door and had to go to a hospital (like a vets, but for humans!) and the combining continued in a stop/start manner as predicted.  Once it finished the combine was washed down and put away for the Winter (I don't like that, too much water - especially as the potato boxes were then pressure washed too - I left Will to observe that) and also the linseed straw was burned - I quite liked the smell.  There seems to have been a bit of a "last minute rush" with all the farmers around here to try and get the harvest in his year, it has no been very straightforward.

I had a day "home alone" when Mum and Dad went over to Grindleford (wherever that is!) for a long hike, and Will was at the other farm.  I love being here.....there is so much to do, and Pam came in to feed me anyway. Speaking of Pam, I have made use of her shed roof - "it is important to make the best of everything" after all - because in August we had the hottest day in Lincolnshire since records began - 37 degrees - I do wonder, and really hope, that all my brothers and sisters, and my parents are happy and healthy wherever they are....I was musing on this (and hoping) from Pam's shed roof. It is nice there with the heat, and also the breeze from the trees and the birdsong, you get to hear and observe so much!

this is me on the bonnet of the car which costs a lot of money, a lot of the time!

July and August 2003

It is back to normal on the farm front, no more shed sorting, although it looks a massive space now the corn bins are down and the shed has been "rearranged" ....still it won't take long for them to fill it.  I have been away on my holidays again to see Barbara at the cattery (I love her!) "it is important to take everything in your stride and make it a home from home wherever you are"  Mum and Dad have been away again, but are back in time for the harvest to start (earlier than normal)  

Unfortunately, it is not going well, it is going to be a bit of a stop-start harvest, and things keep going wrong, breakdowns, tractor tyre punctures, rain etc - it is as well to keep out of the way!  I have been entertaining myself down at the Crew Yard (where the cows used to live) as there are lots to things to do, and places to sleep -old trailers, a feeding trough for the cows (I asked what this was called, and Dad said, "Arthur" ....he thinks he is so funny, it is actually a manger, but not one as you would see on Christmas cards.  There are also a few hessian sacks (yay!), rodents and gateposts to make it easy to get up onto the roof (if you are a cat!)  is is an excellent stamping ground to have.

There has been a lot of thunder and lightening, and poor Will is terrified - I find them fascinating myself, but I have helped him out by going to lie under the bed with him, with my head on his, so he can get some comfort.  Poor old Will, he physically shakes with is important to help a fellow being out whenever you can. 

not the right time of year, but this is taken about one metre away from "my" Crew Yard (well, it is mine now, I have claimed it for myself!)