Thursday 10 July 2014

May and June 2003

Yay! Excellent news - it's time for my favourite farm job .........shed clearing out.  Okay, that does not sound too exciting I know, but "it's important to find enjoyment in the little things in life"   Although, this is actually a major, major clear out and there is so much for me to see, do, chase, inspect, investigate, supervise, approve that it is almost a full time job (and being a cat, I don't have one of those, other than being gorgeous obviously - just joking!)

Some of the big corn bins are coming down, the entire shed is being swept and then new corn bins and a new layout and shelving are going in.  It is sooooo exciting, I love it.  There are so many different smells, tastes and things that I almost do not know what to concentrate on first.  Will just goes rampaging in to whatever takes his fancy, but I like to be a bit more discerning.  There are rodent smells, bits of straw, hay, machinery, oil, tools, seeds, corn, and so much more - even old chairs and overalls, signs and old tins or jars full of bits like screws or nails.  My absolutely favourite things are the old hessian type potato sacks - I just love the texture and the smell! However, they are none too keen when I go in the house because they say I smell "medieaval" whatever that means!  There are loads of these sacks lying about, and I have made clear that they are to be retained because I love them - "surround yourself with sights, smells, textures, colours, tastes and you will never experience a dull moment!"

It is a good job there is all this shed work to do, as it has been quite rainy - heavy showers and then bright sunshine - the birds have not been out and about as much either - although Will is enjoying a big puddle that seems to appear quickly by the shed door.  He has also been round to the old crew yard to supervise what is being moved there, but that is my sunbathing place, and I can't miss out on the shed opportunity!

In other news, the stock feed potatoes (this is where potatoes go to feed animals on other farms like cows) have left the other farm, and the selling in the layby has finished.  Ideally I would like the shed clearance to go on and on, but I guess it has got to be done and dusted soon...............

I know this is an old photo, but it best demonstrates the perfection that is a) me (!) but the detail of these old and delightful hessian sacks - they are multi purpose, but I like them best for sleeping on!

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