Sunday 5 January 2014

April 2001

It has stopped raining at last! But there is so much water around that Will and I have joked that we need a canoe to get around in.  I am none too keen on having soaking wet, muddy fur so this is having a real impact on  my practical learnings on the farm - instead I have turned to books (also of course, listening in when there are farm discussions and coffee breaks at our farm - it turns out that farmers are none too keen on the rain either - lightweights - at least they can put on warmer and waterproof clothing!)

Anyway-up (to borrow a colloquial expression I have heard) in more good news, the vet has been to visit the cows at the other farm and given them the "okay" to go back to their own home farm.  None of these cows has had the dreadful foot and mouth illness but there are still a lot of cases in the UK and the news reports are terrible - I feel so sorry for the animals and farmers that it has affected. "We all need to appreciate how lucky we are sometimes", as the impact on those affected has been massive.

Speaking of lucky, you'll never guess what has happened!  Mum and dad have won a holiday to Canada! - this is because last year, they went on a once in a lifetime holiday to Kenya (they are normally more, late bookings in Europe or the UK kind of people!) and because of that, they were enrolled for a year in a holiday club where they get emails and magazines - and they entered a competition which they won!  Dad did not believe the lady that phoned him initially!  So it looks as if I will be going to visit my friend Barbara again which is lovely too...."A change is as good as a rest," as they say, after all

On the farm, they have been flat-lifting after the sugar beet has been harvested and also doing some cleaning up jobs - as best they can - as supervisor, I make sure they have started it and have a plan, then retreat to the house..............well, I have to supervise the general comfyness of the the beds and the chairs, cushions, settees etc!

not the greatest of photos, but this is me with "Inch the snake" and one of the balls that I like to chase around the house - you have to be sure to exercise, even when you can't get outside!

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