Tuesday 13 January 2015

January and February 2004

So my subject this time is, "It's nice to be nice" and also that people appreciate  you more "if you have a sunnier disposition".  It's dark and it's cold, and things always seem a bit flat at the start of the year - yes, even for us cats who don't have to worry about money and credit cards, and bills etc! But a bit of kindness can make the world go round, so I always make a point of going to greet people in the farm yard (having sussed them out from afar to make sure they're not cat nappers, or anything like that) and in the evening, I enjoy going to sit on peoples knees - following from the last post,  I have now discovered the multi-purpose benefits of this.........stress free humans, somewhere comfy to sit, and a free massage for me plus somewhere to wipe my paws - bonus!

It has not been too cold and wet here fortunately, and the plough and power harrow are now over here so I have been sitting and watching this - fascinating, and it also bring a lot of birds with it, but they are the noisy old seaguls (not even very tasty!) and they also hunt in packs which is a but disconcerting!  More excitingly, a new truck has been bought to replace the old, worn out one which needed repairs costing more than the value of the truck - this one is fantastic - it has really deep wheel arches which means that when it is Summer, I will be able to drape myself over the tyres and fall asleep!  Of course, I will be careful to ensure that it is not started without me knowing and in the meantime, I have been for a inspection....ie I wandered and climbed all over it having a sniff and a general nosy about.  

In other words, the farm has taken over selling potatoes in a layby between the two farms, as the previous farmer has retired - hopefully this will go well.  I hope it goes better than Dad's recent return to rugby for the veterans - one game and he is visiting the osteo!  Anyway, the nights are starting to draw out ....yay!  

this is me demonstrating the art of getting a massage and clean feet whilst the humans think you are keeping them company!

Sunday 24 August 2014

November and December 2003

It seems to me that November has mostly been about moving tractors about (!) I am sure it has been more complicated than that, but it is how it seems to me(!)  The wheat is now all drilled, and the land ploughed - they have had to get Gordon (retired farmer from Deeping) to help because Dad's dad Alan has got some serious eye problems - he has got a detached retina (whatever that is) and needs an operation.  It has been a struggle, but "with some help from friends and family - it is important to help where you can" the farm is just about where it "should be" at this time of the year.  I have done my bit to help too - I go and sit on peoples knees and purr, letting them stroke my fur makes them happier and calmer - this is a proven fact with animals, honestly!  Some animals are "employed" to go into hospitals and nursing homes to help the patients 

In other news, finally after a few months of negotiations, Mum and Dad are buying the house off their landlords, and I know they have a lot of plans for extending it which sounds exciting.  Dad has also been to Wales for the day to sort out becoming a trainer for some computer based farm training programme thingy he uses.  Potato grading has started but this year, it is all at the other farm so I am not required for assistance or for training anyone else, which is nice as it has been very wet and cold.  I have been in the spray and chemical shed when that was cleared out, but it is nowhere near as interesting as the big shed.  

Anyway, we all had a lovely Christmas and best wishes to all for 2004 x

 not the most flattering of photos but I was just waking up and getting up!

September and October 2003

Lots to report, firstly, we have a new niece - Dad's brother (Mick) and his wife (Rachel) have had a little girl called Abigail.  Abby was not very well at first, and had to stay in hospital, she may need an operation when she is bigger, but she is now at home....I've not seen her yet (I might hide anyway!)   

In other news, we have combining peas, George (our nephew) has been over to look at the combine harvester (he loves all the big machinery and has toy versions of them all!).  If you can make someone's day with something the love or would enjoy, why not?  It has also been very noisy here as they have been levelling the concrete outside the big shed...I went to investigate, but it was cold and loud, so I left them to it!  Mum's car broke down and she had to drive it carefully to Cranfields (where the buildings and land are between the two farms) and it had to be taken on a lorry to the garage.  She is not best pleased because this car has been "unlucky" and had a lot of expensive issues with it.  In other bad happenings, Dad trapped his finger in a trailer door and had to go to a hospital (like a vets, but for humans!) and the combining continued in a stop/start manner as predicted.  Once it finished the combine was washed down and put away for the Winter (I don't like that, too much water - especially as the potato boxes were then pressure washed too - I left Will to observe that) and also the linseed straw was burned - I quite liked the smell.  There seems to have been a bit of a "last minute rush" with all the farmers around here to try and get the harvest in his year, it has no been very straightforward.

I had a day "home alone" when Mum and Dad went over to Grindleford (wherever that is!) for a long hike, and Will was at the other farm.  I love being here.....there is so much to do, and Pam came in to feed me anyway. Speaking of Pam, I have made use of her shed roof - "it is important to make the best of everything" after all - because in August we had the hottest day in Lincolnshire since records began - 37 degrees - I do wonder, and really hope, that all my brothers and sisters, and my parents are happy and healthy wherever they are....I was musing on this (and hoping) from Pam's shed roof. It is nice there with the heat, and also the breeze from the trees and the birdsong, you get to hear and observe so much!

this is me on the bonnet of the car which costs a lot of money, a lot of the time!

July and August 2003

It is back to normal on the farm front, no more shed sorting, although it looks a massive space now the corn bins are down and the shed has been "rearranged" ....still it won't take long for them to fill it.  I have been away on my holidays again to see Barbara at the cattery (I love her!) "it is important to take everything in your stride and make it a home from home wherever you are"  Mum and Dad have been away again, but are back in time for the harvest to start (earlier than normal)  

Unfortunately, it is not going well, it is going to be a bit of a stop-start harvest, and things keep going wrong, breakdowns, tractor tyre punctures, rain etc - it is as well to keep out of the way!  I have been entertaining myself down at the Crew Yard (where the cows used to live) as there are lots to things to do, and places to sleep -old trailers, a feeding trough for the cows (I asked what this was called, and Dad said, "Arthur" ....he thinks he is so funny, it is actually a manger, but not one as you would see on Christmas cards.  There are also a few hessian sacks (yay!), rodents and gateposts to make it easy to get up onto the roof (if you are a cat!)  is is an excellent stamping ground to have.

There has been a lot of thunder and lightening, and poor Will is terrified - I find them fascinating myself, but I have helped him out by going to lie under the bed with him, with my head on his, so he can get some comfort.  Poor old Will, he physically shakes with fear.....it is important to help a fellow being out whenever you can. 

not the right time of year, but this is taken about one metre away from "my" Crew Yard (well, it is mine now, I have claimed it for myself!)

Thursday 10 July 2014

May and June 2003

Yay! Excellent news - it's time for my favourite farm job .........shed clearing out.  Okay, that does not sound too exciting I know, but "it's important to find enjoyment in the little things in life"   Although, this is actually a major, major clear out and there is so much for me to see, do, chase, inspect, investigate, supervise, approve that it is almost a full time job (and being a cat, I don't have one of those, other than being gorgeous obviously - just joking!)

Some of the big corn bins are coming down, the entire shed is being swept and then new corn bins and a new layout and shelving are going in.  It is sooooo exciting, I love it.  There are so many different smells, tastes and things that I almost do not know what to concentrate on first.  Will just goes rampaging in to whatever takes his fancy, but I like to be a bit more discerning.  There are rodent smells, bits of straw, hay, machinery, oil, tools, seeds, corn, and so much more - even old chairs and overalls, signs and old tins or jars full of bits like screws or nails.  My absolutely favourite things are the old hessian type potato sacks - I just love the texture and the smell! However, they are none too keen when I go in the house because they say I smell "medieaval" whatever that means!  There are loads of these sacks lying about, and I have made clear that they are to be retained because I love them - "surround yourself with sights, smells, textures, colours, tastes and you will never experience a dull moment!"

It is a good job there is all this shed work to do, as it has been quite rainy - heavy showers and then bright sunshine - the birds have not been out and about as much either - although Will is enjoying a big puddle that seems to appear quickly by the shed door.  He has also been round to the old crew yard to supervise what is being moved there, but that is my sunbathing place, and I can't miss out on the shed opportunity!

In other news, the stock feed potatoes (this is where potatoes go to feed animals on other farms like cows) have left the other farm, and the selling in the layby has finished.  Ideally I would like the shed clearance to go on and on, but I guess it has got to be done and dusted soon...............

I know this is an old photo, but it best demonstrates the perfection that is a) me (!) but the detail of these old and delightful hessian sacks - they are multi purpose, but I like them best for sleeping on!

Saturday 7 June 2014

March and April 2003

Well, it has got a bit warmer and Will seems to be intent on spending as much time outdoors as possible.  He is often in a tractor though, so this gives me plenty of scope to inspect "my" premises - I love this time of year, you can really notice how everything is suddenly growing and all the changes that you see in nature. "You should take time to smell the flowers and appreciate the world around you".  I am pleased that I live in the countryside, I don't think I would enjoy being a town cat again - but who knows?  

In addition to helping plant potatoes (ie inspect them after they have been planted, and play about in the soil which has been ridged up over them) I have been spending a lot of time in the crew yard (this is where the cows used to live and there is still the barn with the wooden feeding troughs. There are also a lot of old hessian sacks about (the brown woven type ones) I love their different smells and they're quite comfortable to have a snooze on. Because I blend in well with the colours of the sacks, wood and straw - and all the grasses that were mowed or have died off from last year, I am quite hidden and camouflaged in here .........truly I am "stealth cat" - I use it to notice all the different species of animals and birds that live down here - it really is diverse!  

Speaking of diversity, the farm is taking part in a new environmental scheme called "The Entry Level Scheme" which aims to encourage wildlife, birds, rodents, insects etc (no mention of cats though, strangely!) at the moment, only the other farm is officially involved, but this type of green activity has always been carried out here - and now, a new massive bird box (for owls) is going up near the crew yard - I like owls, they are a joy to watch with their hovering and graceful flight.  I think some live in the farm buildings of Dave's across the road.  I think that we should all help each other as species -I am a well read cat, and as the Dalai Lama says, "Our prime purpose in life is to help others, and if you can't help them, then at least don't hurt them"   
- it is a shame that not everyone uses this as a mantra to live by, as the tv is full of news of the war in the Gulf.

I've also had a day and a bit "home alone" in April as Mum and Dad went to London for the night with Clare and Ian to watch a show, and Will was at the other farm.  I enjoyed it and entertained Grandma and Pam - and I got all the beds to myself!

this is the view at night when I was owl spotting!

Sunday 11 May 2014

January & February 2003

Happy New Year All!

Well, seeing as it is Winter, I have been staying in near the radiators and catching up on my reading, "The Green Book" and "Farmers Guide" (other farming publications are available!) are very helpful to improve my agricultural knowledge, withour having to venture too far outdoors.  Fortunately, when I do go out, it has only been cold and frosty (there were 4 days of snow) and not really too wet.... initially anyway, later in the month, they were digging "trenches" to let the water off the land.   I have been in the shed with Dad when he has been doing repairs to the plough - Will and I shared the armchair - well I had the top of the seat back, and he had the seat - it really was not very exciting to watch!    Dad's parents have been away so we have had Jake the Labrador to stay...I did not like him initially, he is too big and there is just "too much of him" - but it is said that, "you should never judge a book by its cover" and Jake is actually quite a nice dog - he is only a bit younger than Will, but he has more stories from the other farm as he is mostly over there, "Everyone has an interesting story to tell, if only we take time to listen" Jake is used to cats as there are 3 living with him....the only problem with him is that he snores worse that Will (and I would not have believed that was even possible!)

Mum has had some bad news - she has been working in a role which means she can be in any one of three offices, but the nearest is only 6 miles away, and she alternates them, covering in each one as and when required. Unfortunately, that job has finished now and she was a bit unsure what was happening, as the finish date kept being put back.  However, she is now in Peterborough for three months to help set up a new portfolio team....she is not keen on the travelling though - it is only about 24 miles - but takes well over an hour, and then there is a 10 minute walk in from the car park.  It is a longer journey (but quicker) on the back roads, but these are really dangerous in bad weather, and in Winter - and I want her to be safe!  The first week she was there it snowed (the snow was gone in 2 and a half days) but it took her an hour to travel three quarters of a mile.....looking at the news - I don't know why humans don't stay home when it is weather like this, and I do worry for the homeless and hungry cats out there - I do what I can to leave access to some of the sheds and old sacking around for bedding

However, the weather improved a bit and strangely enough, I have noticed a number of different birds on the farm - I am not very good at recognising species and names (just tastes!) but I have been researching in a "countryside and farm bird book" to see if I can improve my knowlege.  And obviously, I have been continuing my cuddling up with Mum in an evening - all this renewed wandering about and research quite tires me out!  

At the end of February, it was Mum's birthday, and Dad bought her a really unusual present - a friend of his, "Viv" is a French teacher (for adults, not children) French is another language that they speak in a country called Franch just over the English Channel - I had to explain this to Will!!  And Viv (or rather a series of lessons with her, is the present!)  Apparently, Mum wants to improve her French as she spoke it wellpreviously and wants to get fluent in it.....I would have liked her to learn Cat but to be honest, I do think this is beyond all humans - all the nuances and tones are too advanced I think!  But they do try, which is sweet!  Their friends, Ian, Clare and Stuart were here around her birthday, so I did my "head of the house / host" thing...I think it went well!

Anyway, the weather forecast is for warmer weather - and sooner rather than later - so lets hope so!

not a great shot, nor the most flattering of angles, but this is me on a comfy knee!